It's not just cute little planes flying around.

It's their ability to execute "judgment and reasoning" to accomplish goals they have been assigned.

They are interpreting information in a new way.

  • It's NOT using "Rule-Based Systems" with IF | THEN |ELSE logic.
  • It's NOT using Fuzzy Logic.
  • It's NOT using Artificial Neural Nets with Genetic Algorithms.

It's using "KEEL Technology" to determine "what to do and how to do it".



This demonstration incorporates two KEEL Engines, one for each of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Each UAV is operating independently. Each makes its own decisions regarding attacking the target and doing collision avoidance.

Associated demonstrations and papers:

The additional features, included in this demonstration, are the controls in the lower right corner of the window. They allow the user to run two "canned" scenarios that demonstrate the inclusion of the frustration model as part of the goal seeking capabilities. This is accomplished by placing the target, defensive mechanisms, and UAVs in predetermined locations / headings. The upper radio button labeled Frustration demonstrates a sequence where the UAV will try to find a safe approach to the target several times and eventually find an acceptable approach. The lower Frustration radio button demonstrates a similar sequence, but where the UAV will give up (because it couldn't find an acceptable approach after several tries). The Mission Control Adjustment demonstrates the use of an external control signal to "change how the devices think". In this case, when the Mission Control Adjustment scrollbar is to the left, no external control is exercised. As it is moved to the right, the UAVs are told to be more risk tolerant and told to "perceive" the target has increased value. This may cause the UAV's to attack a target that, otherwise, would have been considered too risky for the observed value.

The UAV cognitive model, for each of the UAVs, continues to evaluate target value, target risk, nearby threats, fuel supply, weapon supply, self assessment of damage to determine its actions.

Additional documentation on the demonstration

Compsim Papers on related topics:

For Introductions to Non-Flash Users