This shows the impact of driving a Modified Value of one position ("INPUT") through an intermediary position ("Reducer") with a fixed limited importance, that then provides input to a third position ("OUTPUT").
In this case, the Supporting Argument that drives the "INPUT" goes from 0 to 100. Its associated Modified Value will also range between 0 and 100. This value is used to drive the Supporting Argument driving the "Reducer" between 0 and 100.
Because the importance of the "Reducer" is fixed at 25, the maximum Modified Value that the "Reducer" can provide is 25. This is used to drive the "OUTPUT".
NOTE: This technique is commonly used when one input has different impacts on different parts of the problem domain. Thus, to accomplish this, there would be several intermediate positions, each with a different level of importance impacting each separate part of the problem space.
In some cases the importance of the intermediate positions may be dynamically set, thus providing a system where the importance of a piece of information changes based on the environment.