KEEL Concept Web

KEEL Concept Web is the web based version of KEEL Concept that is used to accelerate the layout of a KEEL design.

Decisions or Adaptive Control with KEEL Technology:

KEEL Technology provides a way to create KEEL cognitive engines that interpret information and make discrete decisions (do something or some things), or to allocate resources (do so much of some number of things).

At the fundamental level, there are three types of decisions:

  1. Go / No-go decisions
  2. Select from mutually exclusive options
  3. Allocate resources

* All of these types of decisions require that information needs to be interpreted based on its value or importance

Complex decisions may include combinations of the above information fusion types.

KEEL Concept Web allows you to prototype these three types of problems by first selecting the type of problem (one of the three types identified above), and then complete the task by identifying the outputs and inputs. The type 1 problem has only one output that will be on or off. Type 2 will have have multiple outputs. Type 3 can have one or more outputs. All will have multiple inputs (or influencing factors).


You may want to use KEEL Concept Web to make a first pass at a KEEL design (even perhaps before you have been trained in KEEL development). To start out you should identify the type of problem that you want to handle, and the outputs and inputs that will be required. You can automatically include configuration options in the design, so you can assign importance factors to the inputs. The result will be a preliminary designl It will not include the inter-relationship modeling that you will develop using the full KEEL Toolkit. The KEEL Concept Web will, however, show you the KEEL design work you have created. It will be rendered on the screen for you to look at. Because you may not have access to the full KEEL Toolkit, your prototype model can be shared with Compsim, and depending on your relationship with Compsim, a working "completed" model could be developed and returned to you.


A special process is utilized with KEEL Concept Web to insure only you have access to the problem definition that you create.

Before getting access to KEEL Concept Web, you are asked to enter your name and email address. This information is used to autogenerate a special passcode that will be emailed to the email address you supply. To start the process you will be linked to this form:

Once you enter your name and email address, click the SUBMIT button. You will see an informational message indicating the task has been completed successfully and the email message has been sent to you.

The email message should appear in your inbox from Compsim with the subject: On-Line KEEL Concept. It should read something like:

You have requested access to the on-line KEEL Concept tool.

Go to page:
You will be asked for a passcode.  Enter the number below:

Passcode: XXXXX.XXXXX 

Copy the Passcode into your clipboard and then click on the "Go to page" link. This should take you to a page that looks like:

Paste the passcode into the Passcode field and click the SUBMIT button.

If your passcode is validated, the following page will open:

Choose the type of project you want to develop: Option Selection, Resource Allocation, or Go / No Go Decision and click the Execute button.

For this example, we will assume you select the Option Selection type of project. You will see the following window layout:

For this Option Selection example, let's say we want a machine to monitor itself when it is unattended by an operator. While everything is ok, the machine will not do anything new. If it detects a minor problem or something that needs attention, it will alert the operator. If an emergency is detected, it will automatically shut down the machine. So the outputs (the mutually exclusive options) will be 1. Do Nothing, 2. Call Operator, 3. Shut Down Machine. (This is just an example, as you may want to call the operator and shut down the machine in an emergency situation.)

For this simple example, we will say that the machine will make its decisions based on Vibration, Temperature, and a Current (or load) sensor. These will be the inputs to the system.

When you enter the inputs and outputs into the KEEL Concept form it should look like:

At the bottom of the form are two checkboxes. Leaving these items checked will automatically include additional Configuration and Scaling inputs for each of the inputs you identified. These might be exposed in some kind of administrative tool that could be used to adjust the KEEL Engine once it is deployed in its final form. Because this is just the first phase of the development, when the design is refined with the KEEL Toolkit, you may choose to adjust the Configuration and Scaling factors in the KEEL Toolkit and then lock them to their desired values.

Click the Save button to save your model and render your design (what you have accomplished without the KEEL Toolkit). For our example project the screen will look like:

A "real" KEEL Engine Design has been created. The "rendering" of the design is "active", meaning that you can manipulate the Configuration inputs and simulate your Vibration, Temperature, and Current inputs. What you cannot do is complete the design where you define how the inputs work together to influence the outputs. The green circle in the image below shows accumulation points for the three options that will be expanded with the KEEL Toolkit.

This shows how you can get started with a KEEL design without any training. Your design will be supplied to Compsim where it can be reviewed. If appropriate, you can contact Compsim and setup a collaborative teleconference (ex: WebEx) where your design can be opened by Compsim and extended using the KEEL Toolkit. Then you can watch the process and see a complete model. That design "could" then be autocoded and returned to you (in your computer language of choice) for installation in your "machine" (or software application).

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